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Honouring Our Local Veterans 


We are committed to teaching our community, especially future generations, about the incredible contributions and the role of many Canadians (including Billy Bishop) who sacrificed and served to preserve our freedom. It is our goal to help people remember, respect, and honor the sacrifices that have been made by our military.

Each year the Museum pays tribute to a number of Owen Sound and Grey & Bruce County Veterans. Their biographic information is on display throughout Grey and Bruce County. In the summer of 2024, these plaques will be returned to the veterans or their families during a ceremony at the Billy Bishop Museum. 

2023's Honouring Our Local Veterans ceremony was broadcasted LIVE on Rogers TV Grey County on Sunday, October 29rd from The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 6. Please feel free to share the video with you friends and family! Lest we forget.

If you are a Veteran or know a Veteran that you would like to be nominated for our Honouring Our Local Veterans Program, please print and complete a Veteran's Survey to submit to the museum.

2023 Honouring Our Local Veterans Ceremony

Video: The 23nd Annual Honouring Our Local Veterans Event as 9 local veterans are honoured. For Transcript open video in new tab

We are actively looking for Veterans to participate in our program!

If you have any question please don't hesitate to contact us today!

Veterans Survey
147th_market_square_968.61.82 edited.jpg

 Photograph of 147th Battalion Kit Inspection at Market Square, Owen Sound Grey County Museum Collection 1968.061.082. 

Honoring Our Local Veterans
Profiles by Year

2023's Honourees

2023 HOLV.png
John Garvey bows his head as he receives a round of applause during the Honouring Our Local Veterans ceremony. Garvey was one of nine military veterans honoured Sunday at Branch 6, Royal Canadian Legion in Owen Sound as a part of the 23rd Honouring Our Local Veterans ceremony. Greg Cowan/The Sun Times
Tree of Remembrance

2022's Honourees



Christopher David Kemp
William Shane Hotchkiss
John Leonard Smith
Thomas Hiram Eastnor Munn
Ron O’Donoughue
Stuart Carlyle Peacock
George Bismark “Cy” Simpson
Rene Michael Joseph Boudrias
John Doherty


Howard Keith Armstrong

Ronald Coates

Robert “Bob” Griffith

Sir Major John “Jack” Gross

Eugene Harrison

Russell Harvey

John A. “Jack” Sargent

Ross Leigh, Sub-Lieutenant

Antonio Pennacchietti

Robert “Bob” G. Sear


Paul Wellington Armstrong

Norman Arthur Barrowcliffe

Eva Irene Daly (nee Wyonch)

Arthur Peter Lobsinger

John Alexander MacLeod

Joseph (Wilmer) Nadjiwon

David Earl Porter

Charles Edmund (Ed) Saunders

Wilfred Harrison Wallace

Frederick Wilkinson


Robert (Bob) Alexander

Frank Ball

Isavela (Vee) Baskerville (nee Perry)

Eldred Crawford

Clarence Edward (Bill) Furness

Andrew Haggins

James Murray Jolley

Alexander McMillian

Murray Slumskie


Delbert Budd

George Cameron

Colin Campbell

Doug Durkin

Harold Gill

Clarence Graham

Wilmot (Curly) Harnden

Sydney Jackson

Bill Langman

Gord Woods


A.J. Bauer

Elizabeth (Bette) Bauer (nee Harris) 

William Courtney

William Mercer

Donald Reidy

John Warrilow


Alice Biggar

Ashley Chamberlain

Trish Cox

John Ferguson

Nicholas Goody

Trisha Jolliffe

Clarence Long

Donald Alexander Mackenzie

Ernie Nadjiwan

Meaghan Richards

Steve Rose

Donald Young


William Avery Bishop

Wallace Frederick Edwards

Winnifred “Davey” Gardner

Leslie Alison Gosling

Peter Kipp

Glenwood Roy Lees

James Duncan MacArthur

Robert Thomas James Mitchell

Timothy Adam Northcotte

Pieter Reinders

Benjamen James McArthur Watson


Beverley Jack Butler

George Edwards

Louis Gault

Robert Alfred Gillson

Lillian Marie Hartney

Barney Lyle Hopkins

Lloyd Hunt

Glen McNeil

Ronald John Williams

Donald Willmott


Charles Albert Dell

Howard Alexander Donovan

Eric Edwin Eastwood

Arthur Hawes

Yvonnea (Chip) Claire Inkster (nee Carpenter) 

Michael Anthony Krulicki

Gladys Helena Morris

Glen Clarence Arnold Rawson, AFC, CD

Percy Staight

Lorne George Weatherall


Gordon Breen 

Robert Fleming Clark

Cliff Denny

Charles Fisher

Ian MacKay

Cliff Saigle

Jack Ward

Philip B. White


June Belanger (nee Marshall)

Andrew Cox

Bill Dane

Robert Fairley

Sam Gow

Donald McConachie

Robert Rutherford

Robert Turner

Alex Twaddle

Barb Uttley (nee Lewins)


Charles Agnew

Robert Comber

Frances Donovan (nee Ramage)

Albert Keiller

Barrett Lumley

Percy Warrilow


Padre Walter Leslie Brown

Walter Ramsey Crowe

Ernest Nelson Gilbank

James Jamison Hall

Francis David Harrison

Harry Allen Hopkins

Robert Barrie Jack

Edward Louis Johnston

Steven Lehman

Thomas Richard Long

Bruce Edward Pinch:

Radoslaw (Roger) Weron


Donald Morton Doran

Henry Albert Hopkins

Thomas Alexander Edward Hopkins

Alfred Joseph Rackley

N. H. Edward Wells


Tony Gardner
Donald MacIsaac
Charles Mann
Harold Martin
Fern McFadden
Alphonse Meyer
Jack Patterson
Jim Patton
Terence Penton
Charles Stevens
John Stevens
William (Ward) Thompson
Lloyd Wilcox


Elmer Lloyd Barfoot

John (Jack) Bowers

Murray Warren Gibbons

Daphne Iris Henderson Thompson-Hirst

Robert (Bob) Johnston

Donald McSporran

Kenneth Reimer

John Medcalf Rowe

Kenneth George Smale

Arthur Cyril Wragg


William Corbet

J.P. (Jock) Fleming

Clifford Iles

Barry Jackson

Gordon Jackson

Thomas McClelland

John Newton

Doris Pedwell (nee Hiatt) 

William Avery Tiner

Clarence L. Wark


Bill Bean

Clarence Christie

Laverne Connell

Orville Cook

Lou Deveau

Ted Horton

Gerald Meades 

John Wright


Bill Grainger

Arthur Haley

Tommy Holmes, VC

Austin Quinlan

Alfred Searle

Hugh Webber

Local Veterans Profiles
Memorial Plaques

Are you a local veteran?  Take our survey and email it to today!

Explore our Memorial Plaques:

Honouring Our Local Veterans is sponsored by


Tree of Remembrance 


Austin, David

Austin, Madge

Bauer, A. J.

Bauer, Bette (Harris)

Cameron, George

Danard, Harold

Doughty, Robert

MacKay, John

Mitchell, James T.

Ritchie, Wilson A.

Warrilow, John A.

Witzke, Herb


Anglin MD, Crawford S

Armstrong, Leslie

Cameron, S. George

Evans, Gordon

Morgan-Evans, Joan

Danard, Harold P

Dungey, Walter Norman

Gibson, Lloyd Sinclair

Gonneau, Eric

Horton, Phil

Horton, Ted

Lumley, Barrett

MacKay, John Gilbert

Mitchell, James T

Ritchie, Wilson Alexander

Sprung, Wallace Charles

Wark, Clarence

Witzke, Herbert


Busch, Dr. Lloyd Victor

Danard, Harold P.

Gibson, Lloyd Sinclair

Lumley, Barrett

MacKay, John G.

Mitchell, James T.

Richie, Wilson Alexander

Sprung, Wallace Charles

Witzke, Herb


Anglin M.D., Crawford Sydney

Armstrong, Curwood

Armstrong, Jack

Begin, Daniel

Brook, R

Cameron, S. George

Campbell, Hardie

Crowe, Walter

Danard, Harold P

Ferguson, John

Fyvie, Glen

Gibson, Lloyd Sinclair

Hamilton, H. J.

Long, Clarence

Lumley, Barrett

MacKay, John G

MacKenzie, Donald A

McCrillis, Maury

Ritchie, Wilson A

Sanderson, Robert Miles

Smith, John L

Sprung, Wallace

Warrilow, Frances

Warrilow, John

Wise, Gary

Witzke, Herb

Van Os, Jack William

Wark, Clarence

Tree of Remembrance Past Years

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